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1. What is Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones that mimic male sex hormones in the body, mainly testosterone hormones. It also know as anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). There are some other names popular in UG bodybuilding and labs, they are Arnolds, Gear, Gym candy, Juice, Pumpers, Roids, Stackers, Weight gainers..etc.

Anabolic steroids are FDA approved drugs to treat some health problems such as low testosterone in man, delayed puberty and muscle loss due to disease. In the bodybuilding, bodybuilder will use Anabolic steroids for muscle building, increase strength and other performance-enhancing purpose.

Understand What is Anabolic Steroid Powder?

Anabolic steorid powder shortens AAS raw, it is a man-made version of compound by lab or steroids manufacturer. They are the active ingredient of steroids drug. The powder form characteristic make them convenient to make into steroid injection, steroid capsules, tablets, steroid taper, creams and other steroid Topical treatments.

2. Types of Anabolic Steroids

There are many types of steroids have been widely used in medicine and bodybuilding. AASraw as steroid powder factory, we will only list the most hot sale in here.

Testosterone and Its esters

Testosterone base

Testosterone cypionate

Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone propionate

Testosterone undecanoate

Nandrolone and Its esters

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (Npp)

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin)

Trenbolone and Its esters

Trenbolone base

Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Hexa

Boldenone and Its esters

Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

Boldenone Cypionate

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Derivatives

Oxandrolone (Anavar)

Stanozolol (Winstrol)

Drostanolone (Masteron)

You can also separate them by oral or by injection, for bulking or for cutting, for women and for men..etc. Such as the best steroid for cutting are stanozolol, oxandrolone,trenbolone and masteron. While the best steroid for muscle growth are Dianabol, Anadrol, DECA and testosterone. The more you know steroids, the more can help you decide which steroid is better suitable for you. You can contact steroid supplier before buying them.

3. Application of Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids is originally use in medical including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Delayed Puberty, muscle wasted caused by deseas,Osteoporosis and Anemia. With the popularity of bodybuilding and the experience of celebrities, more and more people are aware of the benefits of steroids. Many athelets and bodybuilders start to use anabolic steroid to increase muscle mass, strength and physical performance. Besides, individual who want nice and defined body shape will use steroids as well.

TRT is the most widely used and common anabolic steroids uses as well. There are already many testosterone treatment supplements for sale in the market. They are testosterone injection, testosterone Topical (gels, creams, and patches), Cheek or Buccal Patches, Testosterone Implants or Pellets, Intranasal..etc. No matter each esters you use, Testosterone powder as the active API of above all products. Supplements manufacturer who want to use steroids powder to produce their own sports supplement, please makes sure buy purest steroid powder from reliable steroid powder factory.

4. How to Use Anabolic Steroids?

Steroid powders have been made into several different forms of products by lab or manufacturer, including pills, capsules, injections, creams or topical gels, skin patches, implantable pellets and Nasals. Each form has their own administration method. Here are the details

Oral Steroids

The popular oral steroids are Oxymetholone, Stanozolol and Dianabol. They usually comes in tablets or capsules. You can take them with water or another liquid. Due to higher toxicity than injections, you should eat some food before taking them.

Injectable Steroids

Anabolic steroids are mostly injections. Testoserone, Nandrolone, Equipoise and Trenbolone are popular injectable steroids. Labs buy steroid powder will need to follow steroid recipe to make them into injections. Typically, injectable steroids are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. You can directly inject them into the muscle. Make sure the injection site are clean and sterility, sterility needles and syringes are important as well.

Transdermal Steroids

Transdermal steroids are mostly testosterone gels, testosterone creams, or testosterone patches made by testosterone powder or its easters. You can apply them to the clean, dry skin such as abdomen, shoulders and upper arms. After use, you should avoid touch others incase  of transfer.

Sublingual/Buccal Steroids

Company mainly use methyltestosterone powder, and testosteorne undecanoate powder to make sublingual or buccal. You need to placed the buccal tablets under the tongue or between the gum and cheek. You should not eat or drinking before the buccal tablets are dissolved and absorbed.

Pellets (Subdermal Implants)

The most common steroid pellets are testosterone pellets. They are typically impleanted under the skin. You can’t do this by yourself, you should ask your doctor or healthcare professional to help you.

Nasal Steroids

You need to spray the drug into the nostrils, usually need to spray 2-3 times a day. Nasal steroids are less common in bodybuilding, they usually developed for specific medical purposes.

Use anaboic steroids will cause certain side effects, people believe that by taking the steroids in the a correct way will help them to avoid unnecessary side effects.

5. How to Buy Steroid Powder?

Steroid powders for sale in the market are everywhere. And price vary from supplier to supplier. Ensuring that company purchasing steroid powder from a reputable vendor is an extremely important step in the production process. When you decide to find a steroid powder supplier online, companies are advised to look for a steroid powder manufacturer that meets the following standards:

  • Official website: Reputable suppliers usually have professional-looking websites with clear product descriptions, contact information, and policies.
  • Quality:Reputable suppliers should conducts in-house and/or third-party testing on products to ensure the stable quality.
  • Testing reports: Reputable suppliers should offer testing reports to customers such as testing report COA, HPLC or HNMR.
  • Great customer service and support: Reputable suppliers should have professional sale representatives to help customers.
  • Acceptable payment terms:Reputable suppliers should accept secure payment method such as bank wire transfer.
  • Good customer feedback/review:Reputable suppliers should have good customers review.
  • Delivery:Reputable suppliers should have professional packaging, smooth,discreet delivery to eusure safe delivery

As we knew that China is one of the largest countries to produce steroid powders. So it is better for you to buy your steroid powder from China. If you decide to buy high quality steroid powder from China, AASraw will be one of the steroid manufacturers you don’t want to miss.


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